To: Janice Jackson, CEO of Chicago Public Schools and Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago
We don't want another Principal! We want Dr. House! Reinstate Dr. House!
We are on a Mission...Sign the Petition #SaveDrHouse
We are on a Mission...Sign the Petition #SaveDrHouse
Why is this important?
Dr. Sheldon House accepted the call to serve as the Principal of Simeon Career Academy in 2009. Simeon was experiencing a change in administration and metrics for the school were all plummeting: the school was rated level 3 with probationary status, there was low attendance percentages, disciplinary infractions were at all time high and low test scores indicated that the school could only be well known for being a athletic powerhouse.
Simeon needed intensive support.
Dr. House has worked tirelessly, day in and day out to elevate Simeon and under his leadership, Simeon is currently a level 1 school of application. The school provides a world - class education to inner city youth across the City of Chicago. Simeon currently has a 91% attendance rate with a school culture of calm. Our motto is "Excellence is the only option!" and OUR school community demonstrates this time and time again in the face of challenges and celebration!
Our distinction as an athletic powerhouse is still prevalent, but we now can add to that attribute the fact that we exceed the district in college persistence, high school graduation and a record-breaking freshman on track record.
As a parent and CPS employee, I am confident in saying these drastic improvements can only be credited to our Principal, our leader, who has had a clear vision and continuously insisted that his staff follow the appropriate procedures and protocols. His decisions have always been rooted in what is best for children's success. I am saddened that he has been stripped from the school community based on allegations that have not been proven and that seem to be the result of a lack of training for ALL CPS employees. This makes for traumatic uncertainties for the Simeon school community. It appears that CPS has made a decision in haste in efforts to keep students safe, however, OUR school community knows that Dr. House is what's best to ensure that students remain safe at Simeon. His hard work to build the school up should not be torn down based solely off of the allegations and actions of others. Dr. House has always put student safety first! We don't want another Principal! We want Dr. House! Reinstate Dr. House!
We are on a Mission...Sign the Petition #SaveDrHouse
Simeon needed intensive support.
Dr. House has worked tirelessly, day in and day out to elevate Simeon and under his leadership, Simeon is currently a level 1 school of application. The school provides a world - class education to inner city youth across the City of Chicago. Simeon currently has a 91% attendance rate with a school culture of calm. Our motto is "Excellence is the only option!" and OUR school community demonstrates this time and time again in the face of challenges and celebration!
Our distinction as an athletic powerhouse is still prevalent, but we now can add to that attribute the fact that we exceed the district in college persistence, high school graduation and a record-breaking freshman on track record.
As a parent and CPS employee, I am confident in saying these drastic improvements can only be credited to our Principal, our leader, who has had a clear vision and continuously insisted that his staff follow the appropriate procedures and protocols. His decisions have always been rooted in what is best for children's success. I am saddened that he has been stripped from the school community based on allegations that have not been proven and that seem to be the result of a lack of training for ALL CPS employees. This makes for traumatic uncertainties for the Simeon school community. It appears that CPS has made a decision in haste in efforts to keep students safe, however, OUR school community knows that Dr. House is what's best to ensure that students remain safe at Simeon. His hard work to build the school up should not be torn down based solely off of the allegations and actions of others. Dr. House has always put student safety first! We don't want another Principal! We want Dr. House! Reinstate Dr. House!
We are on a Mission...Sign the Petition #SaveDrHouse