To: Rep. Will Smith and Rep. Brian Murphy

Saving Public Education in NH. Defeat HB1607

Dear Representatives Smith and Murphy:

This petition is in response to HB1607 in which a business tax credit fund would be established to provide vouchers for children K-12 who choose an alternative to public school i.e, private, religious, or home school. We believe this bill, if passed, will weaken the entire public education system of New Hampshire as well as the quality of life within our local communities for the following reasons:

Reductions in state funding will place financial burdens on local communities.

Erosion of our local schools will result in lower property values.

It is unconstitutional to allow tax dollars to pay for religious education.

Private, religious and home schools are not held to the same standards as our public system.

There is neither academic nor financial accountability to the Department of Education. It is unclear to whom and how scholarships will be administered. Additionally, private and religious schools may discriminate against any student applying.

As your constituents, we implore you to focus any future public education legislation and distribution of tax dollars towards improving a system that is not broken but requires flexibility and resources to adjust to a new era of educating our children. We believe that all children, regardless of income or IQ, deserve the opportunity to thrive within that system given the support of parents, educators and community.


Why is this important?

Using public funds to incentivize parents to withdraw their children from public schools and place them in private, religious and home schools is not only unconstitutional but would reduce the much needed funding already lacking in our current system.