To: Lowell McAdam, CEO

"Say Goodbye" to Verizon if they Build Cell Antennas All Around our Homes and Schools

We, the residents of Wesley Hills, are shocked and upset with VERIZON'S BLATANT DISREGARD for our neighborhood and children's schools. 

Verizon has contracted a third-party to install DOZENS OF CELLULAR ANTENNAS AND DEVISES AROUND OUR HOMES AND CHILDREN'S SCHOOLS throughout our neighborhood. 

We are urging Verizon and its CEO, Lowell McAdam, to reconsider the proliferation of cellular devises throughout our Village. Amazingly, we have not been provided with any information or justification for this highly questionable project. To add insult to injury, our request for a Verizon coverage gap analysis as been rejected and no alternative proposals have been offered, despite two large nearby wireless facilities that are being ignored and not being utilized by Verizon.  ‎

Those who sign this petition are speaking in a loud unified voice directed at Lowell Mcadam and Verizon. The unilateral proliferation of cellular devises throughout our neighborhood must be reconsidered. We must be provided with basic information as well as an opportunity to discuss this questionable proposal with Verizon personnel. 

All those who sign this petition are making a clear statement that if the project moves forward ‎without the aforementioned assistance we will CANCEL OUR VERIZON WIRELESS SERVICE and solicit another wireless provider to open a retail store in our neighborhood shopping center!!!‎

Why is this important?

We, the residents of Wesley Hills, are shocked and upset with VERIZON'S BLATANT DISREGARD for our neighborhood and children's schools. Verizon has contracted a third-party to install DOZENS OF CELLULAR ANTENNAS AND DEVICES AROUND OUR HOMES AND CHILDREN'S SCHOOLS throughout our neighborhood.
