To: Barbara Byrd-Bennett, CEO of the Chicago Public Schools, The Illinois State House, The Illinois State Senate, and Governor J.B. Pritzker

Say NO to a charter school at Grand and Long Avenues in Chicago.

My daughter is a freshman at Prosser High School in Chicago. There is a charter high school planned that will open across the street from Prosser. Having two high schools kitty corner from each other is a recipe for disaster. I have no problems with charter schools but the placement of this school could lead to unnecessary confrontations where innocent children could get hurt.

Why is this important?

Chicago is a city that is turning more violent each day. Adults need to use common sense so as not to needlessly endanger children. Having two different high schools located so close to each other will put students into a situation that could explode for any reason. This whole situation could be defused by moving the site of the charter school by a few city blocks.
