To: Rep. Diana DeGette (CO-1), Sen. Michael Bennet (CO-1), and Sen. Cory Gardner (CO-2)
Say "No" to Fast Track
Forcing Congress to vote on the Trans Pacific Partnership without adequate time for open hearings, review, and public scrutiny, sets a dangerous precedent. Members of Congress, we urge you: just say NO to fast track!
Why is this important?
For three years, a group of some 600 multinational corporations and trade associations have been quietly negotiating a trade pact IN SECRET that could void American laws that protect workers, jobs, health, and the environment. During negotiations in Washington last summer, news leaked of some of the provisions U.S. trade officials were prepared to approve, and a public outcry derailed the talks. Trade Representative Ron Kirk resigned. Now that Michael Froman has been confirmed as the new U.S. Trade Representative he is pushing to renew "fast track" authority so President Barack Obama -- a DEMOCRAT -- can sign the agreement first, and then force a quick vote in Congress without any public scrutiny, floor debate, or revisions.