To: The Washington State House, The Washington State Senate, and Governor Jay Inslee

Say No To Requiring Uniforms In Public Schools!

As citizens of Washington, we are showing our support of our students’ right to free speech and our opposition of forcing families to spend money beyond their means by requesting that our public schools not be allowed to require students to wear uniforms.

Why is this important?

A local public elementary school I have been volunteering at made the decision to implement school uniforms starting in the upcoming 2013-2014 school year. This is a school with 81% of the students receiving free or reduced-price meals and a diverse student population, including 23% Asian/Pacific Islander, 18% African American, 35% Hispanic, and 16% Caucasian, among other ethnicities.* Making school uniforms mandatory not only takes away students’ independence through restricting free speech, which is a right given to them in the First Amendment, but it increases costs to families who cannot afford to have more expenses.

Those who support school uniforms say there are many benefits in doing so, including improved behavior and academic success. However, a study done by David L. Brunsma and Kerry A. Rockquemore shows “student uniforms have no direct effect on substance use, behavioral problems, or attendance” and “the authors found a negative effect of uniforms on student academic achievement.”**

With the lack of evidence regarding advantages to having school uniforms and the seemingly obvious disadvantages, I propose we protect the rights of our students and remove the ability of our public schools to require uniforms.

*2011-12 School Performance Report, Highline School District.
**Brunsma, D. L., & Rockquemore, K. A. (1998). Effects of student uniforms on attendance, behavior problems, substance use, and academic achievement. Journal Of Educational Research, 92(1), 53.
