To: The Michigan State House, The Michigan State Senate, and Governor Gretchen Whitmer
Say No to School Bullies With Guns
Open-carry gun advocates in Michigan have recently menaced Michigan schools, touting weapons including handguns, a rifle, and even a semi-automatic weapon. Schools were subsequently placed on lock-down, and students were emotionally traumatized. We maintain that the right of Michigan children to a public education free of mortal fear outweighs the right of gun lovers to open-carry; we demand that Michigan legislators either revoke open-carry laws in Michigan; explicitly make weapons on school property illegal; and/or make private-school tuition tax deductible.
Why is this important?
I believe recent events at Michigan schools involving emotionally unstable individuals carrying lethal weapons have traumatized students and interfered with their educations. Families fear for the safety of their students at school, and some have decided their children would be safer at private institutions, and plan to withdraw their children from public schools, fearing their students could be shot and killed in one of these incidents. In essence, Michigan students are being bullied, and denied their own civil rights, by a small minority of individuals maintaining their supposed Constitutional rights, and a legislature that's been bullied into submission by the NRA.