To: H. Carl McCall, SUNY Board Chairman and Joseph Belluck, SUNY Charter School Committee Chair

Say NO to unqualified teachers in New York State

New York's children deserve to have highly qualified teachers in all its schools. The proposed rule changes would prove detrimental to Black and Brown students especially, as they make up the majority of charter school students. Improving our education system begins with ensuring all of New York's students have qualified teachers.

Please reject any weakening of teacher certification standards for charter schools.

Why is this important?

With Trump and Betsy DeVos doing their best to try to destroy public education, New York state should be leading the resistance by ensuring a quality public education for every student. But that won’t happen if the hedge funders supporting privatization of our public schools have their way.

Newly proposed rules in Albany would let charter school networks, including the Success Academy chain run by Eva Moskowitz and chaired by the now-infamous Dan Loeb, bypass New York’s standards and permanently hire unqualified teachers with as little as 30 hours of classroom instruction under their belt -- with no additional training.

That's just wrong.

The deadline for public comment on this proposal is September 9th. Add your name here and we will make sure your voice is heard!

