To: DPS School Board

School Board: Guarantee Freedom of Speech to Educators!

Guarantee to all Durham Public Schools educators and classified staff that you uphold their right to freedom of speech.

Why is this important?

In 2014, Durham’s School Board demonstrated its commitment to its students and educators in suing the state over the elimination of career status for educators, which promised due process rights. In 2015, the board approved a measure returning due process rights to district educators who are in their third or later years of teaching. However, a growing number of teachers and district staff members are concerned about their freedom of speech as they work to serve their students and colleagues. As statewide litigation regarding due process rights and career status for educators continues, we thank the board for their unwavering support but also ask them to uphold due process rights specifically as they pertain to freedom of speech for all educators -- inside and outside of the classroom -- and classified staff.

We feel that all educators and district employees should be empowered to speak freely within their constitutional rights without fear of retribution. We contend that individuals do not forfeit the right to speak on matters of public importance when they accept a position within a public school district, and thus should not face reprimand or intimidation solely for statements on matters of public importance, unless it can be shown beyond doubt that the employee’s speech created an adverse effect on school operation.

Our schools will be stronger if the people who work in them--whether certified or classified--see that their perspectives and experiences are valued. Therefore, we request that the Durham Board of Education pass a resolution guaranteeing freedom of speech to all district employees.
