To: Chris Cerf, Superintendent of Newark Public Schools
School Leadership Search Committee
Help uphold the democratic process of the School Leadership Search Committee in being a cohesive representation of stakeholders and their unanimous vote a representation of the community in selecting a new principal for Science Park High School.
Why is this important?
We, the alumni of Science High and Science Park High Schools, with invested community members are proud of the tradition of excellence established by us with the guidance and leadership of extraordinary principals – Morris Lerner, Patrick Ristano, Christine Taylor and Lamont Thomas among them.
The School Leadership Council (SLC) is well familiar with our school’s heritage, traditions and values. We, therefore, support the mission of its Leadership Search Committee to help select the next principal for Science Park.
We understand that the search committee arrived at a unanimous recommendation bringing well qualified candidates to the final interview stage. We further understand that a second committee, selected and trained by your Talent Department, also arrived at a unanimous decision creating high expectations for a successful conclusion.
Given the clear and decisive outcome presented to you, Mr. Cerf, we urge you to bring the stalled leadership search process to a final decision, which honors the thorough and inclusive work begun by our Science Park SLC almost a year ago.
The School Leadership Council (SLC) is well familiar with our school’s heritage, traditions and values. We, therefore, support the mission of its Leadership Search Committee to help select the next principal for Science Park.
We understand that the search committee arrived at a unanimous recommendation bringing well qualified candidates to the final interview stage. We further understand that a second committee, selected and trained by your Talent Department, also arrived at a unanimous decision creating high expectations for a successful conclusion.
Given the clear and decisive outcome presented to you, Mr. Cerf, we urge you to bring the stalled leadership search process to a final decision, which honors the thorough and inclusive work begun by our Science Park SLC almost a year ago.