To: The North Carolina State House, The North Carolina State Senate, and Governor Roy Cooper

Schools and Sex

There should be optional informative talks in schools about sex and how to safely protect against STDs and pregnancy, that isn't just abstinence.

Why is this important?

Sex is barely talked about in school. and Personally I knew absolutely nothing about it until I looked up Planned Parenthood online. I'm right now 16 and thinking about having sex with my boyfriend, and if we had and neither of us knew how to put on a condom correctly? We'll wham pregnancy scare. My best friend is pregnant right now and before she came to highschool and someone sat down and told her what sex was, she was taught it was torture of the worst kind. Some of these issues may be avoided if it was more okay to talk about sex, and maybe, as an optional during lunch talk, Planned Parenthood was aloud to come in and give a talk to kids about this stuff.
