Voters and Citizens of Scottsdale and the SUSD Community call upon our Governing Board to show compassion and care for our Teachers and our Classified Support Staff. We call upon you to end the divisiveness and conflict. Show support for the critical need of all of our SUSD community to receive a fair salary. Support the WalkOut. Announce plans immediately to close our schools on Thursday, April 26th and thereafter. Do NOT punish our Teachers for striking Do NOT close Food Services. Do NOT terminate critical care for SPED kids during this period. DO SUPPORT Classified Staff by paying those who report to work.
Our Community supports our Teachers and Classified Staff. Please recognize the voices of our Community.
Why is this important?
Our Teachers and Support Staff deserve better pay. Our schools deserve better funding. The Community wants our District to support the Teacher Walkout. The Community insists that you not impose any disciplinary or punitive actions against our Teachers. We also know that you can and should maintain critical community services including food services to low-income families during the walkout. Don't make hostages out of those who can least afford to be punished.