To: The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, and Governor Ron DeSantis

Sealing or Selling Criminal Records

Stop the selling of criminal cases to private background companies if they won't seal/expunge the record as well!

Why is this important?

This petition is about all the people that get affected when a misdemeanor or felony record gets sealed or expunged, and the courthouses sell the case information to private companies, just after a very,very short period of time after being charged, exposing such records to prospect employers, without informing the outcome of the case, if the case was sealed/expunged, or if this case was dropped due to lack of evidence.
Private back-ground companies buy criminal records from the courthouses, but the problem is that this companies fail to retrieve such record when the case gets sealed/expunged by Judge orders. I am not sure if the law don't require them to do so, or if its just the fact that they don't care about the individual's life and carrier. If a person would like to have their background completely hidden (court/companies), such person has to obtain a Judge order (process is about 6 months to 1 year) and after that this person would have to request/prove it, to each and every one of those same companies, state by state.
A monumental task!
I worked as a legal assistant in FL, and I couldn't believe it! Sometimes people get charged, and later, they are found innocent/not involved on the matter but that doesn't count! The fact of the matter here is, that you were charged and a criminal case was opened, and the outcome is irrelevant!!!; and the worst part of it, is that these people are charged with a non-violent crime, or there was a lack of evidence (innocent).
This is a very important issue that could affect any of us in a personal and professional way; no one will hire you with a criminal record, and these records could be used against you in a custody battle, for example...
If the government is clearing us of any charge, I don't understand why private companies don't have to comply in the same standard as our government.