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  • Safety Protocol for Bexley Schools
    In light of recent events, it is evident that we are at a critical juncture requiring change in our schools. The mere termination or resignation of teachers does not address the underlying safety concerns. We demand a public meeting where Bexley Schools can outline the measures being taken to ensure the safety and protection of our students and teachers. We demand the following considerations for change:  • Provide teachers a clear and definitive protocol for disruptive and dangerous situations, and provide additional training based on that clearly defined process. • Establish clear communication and action plans for students in the affected classroom on how to handle outbursts. • Ensure all students have the tools to succeed in their educational setting. We urge you not to place blame on any individual or issue punitive measures. Instead, let us equip our students, families, and administrators with the tools to create an inclusive and safe environment for everyone. We also request that the school reconsider the termination of our valued, trusted, and respected staff members, potentially allowing them to return once a comprehensive safety plan is in place to address the root of the problem.  Holding administration accountable for the district-wide failure would be a more appropriate response. *edited to promote inclusivity. This message is intended to be about safety and support*
    356 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Wilkins
  • Restore Timely Payments For Language Access Providers in Washington State!!!
    As Language Access Providers, we are independent contractors who provide interpretation services for Injured workers who are Limited English Proficient (LEP), which includes a large portion of Washington State's Hispanic population. Still, we haven't been compensated for our services since June 17th, earlier this year, when the Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) arbitrarily decided not to renew interpretingWorks's contract, which was the company responsible for paying and distributing work appointments for interpreters. L&I promised a smooth transition to the new company (SOSi) months before June 17th, yet we have been working for free since then. Because of this situation, we can't pay our bills, rent, and mortgages. As a result, many longtime language access providers have fallen into debt and have decided to look for another job, adding to the shortage of interpreters in our state. This will leave hundreds of Limited English-proficient-injured workers without critical interpretation services for their medical, rehab, and psychological appointments.  Language Access Providers are essential for our community. Injured workers and patients depend on high-quality interpretation services to understand and communicate with healthcare professionals and make the right decisions about their medical care based on correct diagnosis and treatment.  All these concerns have fallen on deaf ears, and it's time that the Department of Labor and Industries fixes this situation, affecting thousands of families and minorities in our state. We demand that L&I terminate SOSi's contract and bring back interpretingWorks, renewing their contract effective immediately, to ensure timely payments to Language Access Providers and preserve critical interpretation services for our injured workers in need.  Juan Bloise WA INTERPRETERS
    125 of 200 Signatures
    Created by WA INTERPRETERS Picture
  • Tax SpaceX and Blue Origin so Musk and Bezos can't use public airspace for free!
    We urge you to make private space companies, like SpaceX and Blue Origin, pay taxes for use of airspace.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Demand Justice for Sonya Massey!
    “Don’t hurt me.”  Those were the first words Sonya Massey said at her front door after calling the police for help. Instead of assisting her, Sonya Massey was tragically killed in her own home at the hands of a responding officer sworn to protect and serve. Sonya Massey deserved to be safe.  What we've since discovered is that the officer who murdered Sonya Massey worked six law enforcement jobs over the past four years, pleaded guilty to two charges of driving under the influence, and was discharged from the Army for “serious misconduct.” It's unjustifiable that someone with Sean Grayson's criminal and professional background would ever be in a law enforcement role. Our justice system refuses to respect Black lives, so now so we're must demanding more from our elected officials. We need a justice system that holds police accountable, and we need transparency into that system. Please join us in demanding justice for Sonya Massey. 
    23,979 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Soraya Vaezi
  • Make HIV treatment accessible for all!
    According to the World Health Organization, tens of millions of people were living with HIV by the end of 2023. Recent reports have shown that one of the most successful drugs on the market for the treatment of HIV, which currently costs $42,250 a year, would still be profitable at just $40 a year. Researchers are saying Lenacapavir could be “the closest we have ever been to an HIV vaccine” and since it would only cost $40 a year for every person who needed it, this treatment has the potential to save countless lives if the price was slashed.  Lenacapavir, sold as Sunlenca by US pharmaceutical giant Gilead,  could be up to a THOUSAND times less than its current price. No working or middle class person can afford a $40,000 treatment plan. This drug could be a breakthrough for HIV prevention worldwide if Gilead produced it quickly and as affordably as possible.  Given by injection every six months, Lenacapavir can prevent infection and suppress HIV in people who are already infected. There is currently no known cure for HIV, any attempts to stop the spread of infection and treat symptoms should be welcomed. This would be game changing for the millions of people who have HIV across the world. We've come a long way in the treatment of HIV since its discovery in 1981 and know the latest treatments help people live long, healthy lives—but only if people can actually afford this medication. We owe it, not only to those living with HIV now—  but to the hundreds of thousands of people who were killed during the AIDS/HIV epidemic and have been killed by complications from this deadly disease to make treatment affordable to suppress and prevent the spread of HIV.  Gilead has the potential to treat and extend the lives of millions of people by putting people over profits and dropping the price of this drug to $40 a year. 
    296 of 300 Signatures
  • News media: STOP racism and sexism in your Kamala Harris election reporting NOW!
    In the 72 hours since it was announced that President Biden was stepping down from the presidential campaign and Kamala Harris emerged as the new prospective Democratic nominee, irresponsible journalism touting racist and sexist dog whistles have already been published. We don't have to repeat the tired tropes and offensive attacks being wielded against Harris. We've heard them all before. When Harris was selected as vice president on Biden's presidential ticket, 61% of news coverage mentioned her race or gender, and 25% of the coverage included sexist or racist stereotyping. It's unacceptable. We can't let history repeat itself. It's time to rein in the media and demand fair and unbiased reporting, because we know that  as Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans lose their grip on power, the attacks against Kamala are only going to get worse. We must come together to condemn and call out the racism, misogynoir, and sexism that the media and MAGA Republicans have thrown and will continue to throw Harris’s way to appeal to their base. Will you sign the petition to put news media on notice by demanding that they address the racism and sexism in election reporting NOW?
    1,957 of 2,000 Signatures
  • Unite Behind Kamala Harris for President!
    Vice President Kamala Harris is a formidable and experienced candidate, and her presidential candidacy has energized a multiracial and multigenerational coalition of people across the country. Now it's time for all Democratic leaders across the country to come together and endorse her immediately so we can present a unified message at the Democratic National Convention and build the momentum we need to to defeat Donald Trump and J.D. Vance.
    644 of 800 Signatures
  • Pledge to Vote for Kamala Harris in November!
    On July 21, President Joe Biden announced he was passing the torch after nearly four tremendous years. We are grateful for his administration’s incredible work—including passing historic climate and health care policies and providing economic relief for millions of families—and for paving the way for us to elect a strong Democratic trifecta in November that can continue his 50-year legacy fighting for everyday American families.  Kamala Harris has been a public servant for over 20 years, serving as district attorney of San Francisco, attorney general of California, and a U.S. senator before becoming vice president in 2021. As vice president, Kamala Harris has been an essential part of the Biden administration and key to the successes over the past four years. Now, the choice is clear. Sign the petition to support Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee for the 2024 election and commit to voting for Harris in November!
    36,860 of 40,000 Signatures
  • Urgent: Demand Congressional Action for FEMA Support Post-Hurricane Beryl
    The Honorable Troy E. Nehls  U.S. House of Representatives  1104 Longworth House Office Building  Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Nehls, We hope this letter finds you well. We are writing to express our deep concerns and frustrations regarding the recent mishandling of disaster assistance in Matagorda County, TX, following Hurricane Beryl. As constituents directly affected by this disaster, we feel compelled to bring to your attention the significant issues we have faced in the wake of this catastrophe. Firstly, the delays in the declaration of federal disaster relief have been unacceptable. The prolonged waiting period left many of us in a state of uncertainty and exacerbated the already challenging conditions. Timely declaration of disaster relief is crucial for immediate response and recovery efforts. The delays in this instance have hindered our community's ability to begin the recovery process promptly. Furthermore, the slow processing time for aid has added to our distress. Many residents have encountered prolonged waits for assistance that are vital for rebuilding our homes and lives. The bureaucratic red tape has made it exceedingly difficult for families to access the support they desperately need. This inefficiency has prolonged our suffering and impeded our ability to recover and rebuild. Additionally, the ineptitude of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in handling this disaster cannot go unnoticed. The lack of effective communication, coordination, and transparency from FEMA has been deeply disappointing. Many residents have reported inconsistent information, unresponsive representatives, and an overall lack of support from the agency. This has left us feeling abandoned and neglected during a time when we need our government the most. As our congressman, we urge you to take immediate action to address these critical issues. It is imperative that measures be implemented to ensure timely disaster declarations, streamline the aid processing system, and improve the efficiency and responsiveness of FEMA. Our community depends on the federal government to provide the necessary support and resources during such crises, and it is disheartening to witness the current state of affairs. We kindly request your attention to this matter and your advocacy on behalf of the residents of Matagorda County. We need your leadership to hold the relevant agencies accountable and to push for reforms that will prevent such mishandling in future disasters. Your prompt action and dedication to this cause will make a significant difference in our community's recovery and resilience. Sincerely, Your Constituents
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wess Schulze
  • Celebrate Olympian Nikki Hiltz on the Wheaties Box!
    For nearly 100 years, Olympic athletes have been featured on the iconic orange Wheaties cereal box—and yet, hardly any transgender or nonbinary athletes have received this level of representation. Transgender and nonbinary runner Nikki Hiltz is headed to Paris to compete in the 2024 Olympics after placing first in trials for the 1500-meter race. Urge Wheaties to put Hiltz on the box!
    177 of 200 Signatures
  • Demand safe tampons: Ban toxic metals!
    Recent research has revealed horrific findings: more than a dozen popular tampon brands have toxic metals like arsenic and lead in them. This study, published in Environment International, brings up a huge public health concern. It's concerning because tampons are used in sensitive areas and for extended periods. Despite these risks, there are no rules requiring tampon makers to test for or even let us know about these harmful substances. The study points out the urgent need for stricter regulations and better labeling to protect us from potential health dangers. Sign this petition to demand stricter regulations, accountability for tampon brands with toxic metals, and further research and investigation into the health issues related to these toxic tampons.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Valeria Trevino
  • Push Back Against Anti-Trans Legislation in Oklahoma
    A dedicated and hardworking transgender community member was unjustly terminated from Braum’s in Weatherford, OK on July 13, 2024 due to her use of the restroom that aligns with her gender identity, following the implementation of harmful and discriminatory bathroom policies by the management.   Despite local management's support and efforts to advocate for fair and inclusive policies, higher management succumbed to transphobic pressures by the public and enforced rules that violate the rights and dignity of transgender employees. These new policies require transgender employees to use restrooms that do not align with their gender identity, creating uncomfortable and potentially unsafe situations for them.   Such actions not only perpetuate discrimination and intolerance but also contradict the values of equality and respect that our community and state strive to uphold. No one should face termination or any form of discrimination for living their authentic selves and using the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity. While it is true there are federal protections in place such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which requires transgender employees be given access to the common restrooms used by the other employees of their same gender identity, it is important to have state protections for vulnerable communities.  Reports to federal agencies take a great deal of time to investigate and resolve, whereas state processes can often be quicker. In a time where efforts are being made to criminalize trans existence, we need compassionate legislators standing beside us fighting for our equal rights to live and occupy public spaces.     Thank you for your attention to this important matter. In response, I urge you to take a stand against the anti-transgender legislation in this state. I look forward to your response and to seeing positive changes in our community.
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kiernan Kinsman