To: Larry Nyland, Seattle School Superintendent, Christy Collins, Arbor Heights Prinicpal, Pegi McEvoy, Assistant Superintendent, Seattle School Board, President Donald Trump, The Washington State House, The Washington State Senate, Governo...


Seattle School District children have an average of 8-15 min to eat their lunch (if they are lucky). Most children do not have enough time to eat half their lunch.

Why is this important?

For years I have been concerned of how short our children’s lunch is way too short. It's stressful on them. They do not have time to eat even half of their lunch. On an average a child will have 8-15 (it's closer to 8-10) many parents are concerned with what is taking place with all the children. Standing in the lunch line is awful. A change needs to take place within the lunchroom as well to speed up the process. Children are being excused for recess while many students are still trying to eat their lunch. It then becomes a mad dash to get out to recess. I have personally seen what takes place in my school's lunch room on a daily basis. I have taken time stamped photos as proof. My two children who attend Arbor Heights School (it is a wonderful school) have always complained how there is no time to eat lunch. They bring home mostly full lunch boxes all the time. Many other parents complain about the same thing. The kids also say being late to lunch is a common occurrence. I sat at the tables the other day. I asked the kids questions, such as how long is the lunch line. They all said that the line can go all the way to the other side of the lunch room. A child in that lunch line would really suffer by the time they found a seat and sat down to eat.
Many other schools are affected by this short lunch issue as well. In fact this issue seams to be district wide. Change must occur NOW.
The Seattle School District has said it will take many months to come up with a solution. I disagree. Trim 5 minutes off the day and extend the day to 3pm. I have discussed this with a few teachers already.
it's really quite simple. Of course we will be told it is actually quite complicated. That gives them time to do nothing, or pretend they are working on it.
Short lunches are a slap in the face to our young children. It’s an outrage after you really start hearing the children’s and parents stories. We need to start being more mindful of the care of our little ones. Our wonderful teachers are spread too thin. They need our help. Together we can ALL make a difference- for the kids!
Please take the time to support this very important cause. Our children’s health and well being is at stake.

A proposed plan-
Lunch is now 20 min
Recess is now 20 min

On a larger teacher time segment (5 minutes deducted from teachers daily schedule)
Extend the school day to 3pm (10 minutes added)
That will make lunch 30 minutes and recess 20 minutes with a 5 minute grace period to actually get to lunch on time or for kids to wash their hands.
Problem solved?
