To: Alex Padilla, Secretary of State - California and Jerry Brown, Governor - California
Secretary of State Alex Padilla: you are on Notice
You are on Notice. We have witnessed the failure of our democratic voting system in Arizona, New York and other states. If there are any voter irregularities of that scope and nature in California we hold you accountable. We insist the June 7th 2016 Primary election results not be certified until every discrepancy is decided by a neutral judge and all votes are counted, including provisional ballots.
Why is this important?
We have nothing but respect for our Secretary of State in California, Alex Padilla. However, it is his office where voter records can be switched from valid to invalid, and by extrapolation, one party to another. Further, it has been demonstrated that voting machines are hackable. Finally, the voting rules are complicated and potentially confusing to the decent citizen pulled off the street to run the polling stations and errors are made that can cancel votes. These are just some of the risks in running a fair and just election. The Secretary of State's office is responsible for the election process and accountable to the people in this great State of California - a beacon to the nation and the world. Mr. Secretary, you are on notice. As Citizens, we are called upon to watch.