To: Secretary of the Treasury, Jacob J. Lew

Secretary of the Treasury: Place Alice Paul on the $10 bill celebrating the 19th Amendment

Place Alice Paul, founder of the National Woman's Party, on the $10. bill. The voice of Alice Paul, who endured jail and beatings, was the major force leading to the adoption in 1920 of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, giving women the right to vote.

Why is this important?

Alice Paul, (1885-1977) devoted her life to equal rights for women. She was jailed, beaten, force fed raw eggs, yet never wavered in her push for the right to vote for women, and the Equal Rights Amendment. Secretary Lew has stated that a woman will be on the $10. bill in celebration of the 19th Amendment. Let's honor Alice Paul by having her face shine for the 100 year anniversary of her leadership, of women getting the right to vote.