To: Rep. Henry Johnson (GA-4)

Self Governance vs. Corporate Owned

Protect the basic rights of Americans to be "self governed" with fair democratic elections and a government that supports a strong growing middle class.

Why is this important?

I have never been required to fill out a form requiring me to state my party affiliation and signing it in front of an obvious group of intimidating disapproving people until I moved to Georgia.
Voting rights are no longer just a racial issue only needed in southern states that have a history of racial discrimination. I am a white Democrat and well aware that my ability to cast a vote that matters is at risk. The protection of voting rights is urgently needed for ALL states and are based on the obvious need for all Americans to have their vote count in a fair elections process. We have been marginalized and disenfranchised enough. Someone needs to stop thinking this is just about color. They intimidate and disenfranchise all Democrats in Georgia, not just black Democrats. The elections vote and machines need to be audited. No more corporate manipulated elections process as in 2000 and 2008.
We need a resolution to undo the "Citizens United" ruling immediately.
