To: U.S. Senator Mark Warner

Sen. Warner: Close Tax Loopholes, Protect SS, Medicare, Medicaid

Senator Warner, America doesn't have a money problem, we have a priority problem. We urge you to stand up for us and make sure any fiscal deal reached ends the Bush tax cuts for the top 2% AND protects Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits from any cuts. Don't make us work until we die. Let's put Americans back to work by fixing our crumbling roads and bridges and promote education. No more tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans at the expense of our seniors and children. We want a Fair Deal; no deal is better than a bad deal. This is what we voted for in November, and we expect you, our elected official, to vote the same way.

Why is this important?

Congress and the President are working on another budget deal right now, which affects every person in this country, and Senator Warner's support for a fair deal instead of a bad deal is essential. He must stand up to Republican hostage takers. No benefit cuts to Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid, and close tax loopholes for the top 2%.