To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Senate needs to ratify CRPD today
December 4th, 2012 38 Senators voted to not ratify the CRPD. They gave reasons such as abortion and ceding power to the UN. They never wanted to negotiate with the Democrats. They just killed the ratification of the most important legislation to Disabled Americans since the ADA in 1990, exactly 22 years ago. What is wrong with the Senate. We need 500,000 signatures to get their attention. This calls for 1,000,000 disabled Americans marching on Washington D.C. in wheelchairs. Lets start by rolling down the corridors of the Russell Building. Tell Senate Republicans to STOP DISCRIMINATING against the Disabled support CRPD.
Why is this important?
The Senate Republicans need to stop playing games with Disabled Americans worldwide rights. There are 47,000,000 Americans with Disabilities. Americans with Disabilities need your help. Sign this petition today. We will deliver this petition on January 31, 2013