To: President Donald Trump, Sen. Susan Collins (ME-1), Sen. James Lankford (OK-2), Sen. Patrick Leahy (VT-1), and Sen. Shelley Capito (WV-2)

Senate Votes Tomorrow On Background Checks!

We can't allow pressure from the gun lobby to kill these laws! Americans deserve common sense legislation that will close the loopholes that allow criminals to obtain firearms through the use of "straw buyers." And most Americans agree that every purchase of a gun should involve a background check. Sportsmen, chiefs of police, mayors and governors agree. It's just common sense!

Talks in the Senate in support of legislation addressing our nation's bloody gun violence epidemic were moving forward thanks to bipartisan leadership from Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), but it seems the Republican Senator's feet have grown cold this week and no doubt pressure from the gun lobby had a hand.

PLEASE sign the petition below and send an urgent message to these key members of the Senate Judiciary Committee: Sen. Charles Schumer, Sen. Tom Coburn, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT). The time is now to urge them to pass a strong and enforceable background check bill as part of the comprehensive package of gun safety bills.

Why is this important?

Please don't allow the NRA to hijack this vote. Please sign the petition and tell members of the Senate Judiciary Committee it's time for common sense gun laws. Background checks are proven to help keep gun out of lawbreakers hands. Aurora theater shooter James Holmes would not have passed a background check. The Senate must do the right thing!