To: Scott Brown, Senator
Senator Brown: Stop holding middle class tax cuts hostage
Extend the middle-class tax cuts and stop holding middle class Americans hostage to Republican politics. You claim to be independent, but a real independent would stand up for working families and small businesses, not just millionaires and billionaires.
Why is this important?
On Friday, our junior Senator declared that he is "crystal clear" that he will not vote to extend middle class tax cuts for those making less than $250,000 -- unless the wealthiest 2% get their own tax cut extension as well. This even though the average Bay Stater only makes about $65,000.
He claims it's because he's not just looking out for millionaires and billionaires, but for small business owners, too. But only 3% of small business owners earn over $250,000 and would benefit from this tax break.
I am a small business owner, who, like the vast majority of small business owners, makes less than $250,000. Small business owners and the middle class need the tax break extension proposed by the Democrats. And we all need the wealthy to pay their fair share so our schools, roads, and other common goods can be funded. Join me in telling Scott Brown to start looking out for working folks, not just the richest 2%.
He claims it's because he's not just looking out for millionaires and billionaires, but for small business owners, too. But only 3% of small business owners earn over $250,000 and would benefit from this tax break.
I am a small business owner, who, like the vast majority of small business owners, makes less than $250,000. Small business owners and the middle class need the tax break extension proposed by the Democrats. And we all need the wealthy to pay their fair share so our schools, roads, and other common goods can be funded. Join me in telling Scott Brown to start looking out for working folks, not just the richest 2%.