To: The Massachusetts State House, The Massachusetts State Senate, and Governor Charlie Baker

Senator Elizabeth Warren and Governor Charlie Baker : Establish Overnight Family Visitation Withi...

Institute a family visitation program in Massachusetts that includes Overnight Family Visits with the inmate that includes the spouses and children. This will not only preserve the family unit and opportunity to bond, but to assist the inmate with concrete supports in successfully transitioning back into the community.

Why is this important?

It has been well documented that inmates have a better transition to the prison system and life behind bars if they continue to have family visitation and support. Even though Massachusetts has varying visitation times at each DOC facility, it does not include any way for the families to bond beyond a hour and a half visit. In addition, the visiting rooms are ill-equipped to foster parent bonding between the inmate and his/her children. An Overnight Family Visitation Program will assist the inmate and his/her family in several different ways and establish the Mass DOC as one of the states that promotes preserving the family unit within prison policies and rehabilitation methods for the inmates.

The United States in now #1 in the world in the incarceration rate of it's citizens. This translates to millions of children and families without father's and mothers present in their day to day life. In addition, it has been shown that children with parents that are incarcerated have a greater chance of doing poorly in school, developing behavior issues, and getting involved in the legal system themselves. The citizens are now fed up and no longer believe mass incarceration is in the best interest of the lives of our society's children. By establishing an Overnight Visitation Program it would allow children to enjoy the simple pleasures of parenthood by ; eating dinner at the table with their parent, having a bedtime story being read to them or being tucked under the covers at night. Inmates will be involved with children's homework, be able to discussing a child's academic, social or medical condition in depth or planning positive future goals upon release with their spouse. It will also reduce the chances of the inmate re-offending and therefore reducing the recidivism rate.

Currently California, Mississippi, Connecticut, New Mexico , New York and Washington have successful family overnight visitation programs. They understand that preserving the bond of the family unit makes the chances of the inmates rehabilitation greater. Protecting the family bond does not just benefit the inmate, it is also important to the spouse and children to interact privately as a " normal family" even if it is only for a weekend. Of course , all the states are unified that these visits are a “not a right, but a privilege.” Prisoners must earn the opportunity to participate in this program and visitors must also meet certain criteria.

As the author of this petition, I have personally been affected by having a loved one that is incarcerated. For me and the thousands of women in Massachusetts, being able to spend quality time with my loved one would prove invaluable to maintaining the sanctity and bond as a married couple and also create a major incentives for him to continue with positive behaviors and attitude until release. For the thousand of Massachusetts children who have a parent that is incarcerated , a weekend with their parent would prove invaluable to having their other parent be " engaged and supportive in their lives" . It is my sincerely hope that you consider the numbers of signatures in support of this program and implement this program immediately within the Mass DOC system.
