To: Anthony H. Palumbo (NY-2) and Kenneth LaValle (NY-1)
Senator Kenneth LaValle and Assemblyman Anthony Palumbo: Help us override Gov Cuomos veto of Bill...
This petition seeks to replace the discriminatory legislation passed in 2000 that essentially rendered worthless any military service that does not fall within certain arbitrarily selected time frames. It will affect many veterans residing in New York State. An override can happen as early as January 2015. This bill is important because of the statement it makes to veterans, and to those who would volunteer to serve in our military in the future, that their service is valued.
Why is this important?
The Military Service Buyback Bill (AKA 'Veterans Equity Act'), was overwhelmingly supported by 57 (of 57) NYS Senators and 133 (of 134) NYS Assembly Members over the Summer (June/July 2014. It waited months to be called for by Governor Cuomo (before election day) only to be promptly vetoed AFTER the election and notably right BEFORE Veteran's Day. This bill would provide all Veteran's the equality they deserve. It is in need of a two-thirds vote by the Assembly in order to have Cuomo's veto overridden. Let's show Governor Cuomo that Veteran's and their families are important and that we will not allow him to make fools of them by toying with their votes or underestimating their ability to enact change.