To: New York State Senator Jeff Klein

Senator Klein, don't play politics with the people's will

Senator Jeff Klein: End the Republican Coalition and Stand with the Democrats

Why is this important?

State Senator Jeff Klein has always been a Democrat. But now, he's forged a coalition that will just keep the Republicans in power in Albany.

He says he wants to pass progressive legislation by partnering with Republican leader Dean Skelos. But Republican leader Skelos says he isn't budging on his conservative positions, and he won't even commit to letting Democratic legislation come up for a vote.

That's not a partnership worth joining! We need Democrats to act like Democrats and fight for our values. We want to hike the minimum wage and tie it to inflation. We want to get big money out of politics with public funding of elections. We need to protect women's basic health.

But we can't do it by teaming up with Republicans who are opposed to every one of those issues. Jeff Klein, walk away from the bad partnership and stand with the Democrats.
