To: The Rhode Island State Senate

Senator Michael McCaffrey : Allow the pivotal gay marriage law to move out of committee and onto ...

Allow a pivotal gay marriage law to move out of the state Senate Judiciary committee and onto a general vote.

Why is this important?

Rhode Island residents are urging the state Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Senator Michael McCaffrey to allow a pivotal gay marriage law to move out of his committee and onto a general vote. Rhode Island has been primed for a vote on gay marriage, yet McCaffrey has stalled the process.

As a lesbian living in Rhode Island, I am ashamed of RI's current laws on gay marriage and rights especially in light of the rights provided to our closest neighboring states. RI gay and lesbian couples are currently second class citizens and we deserve the same rights and responsibilities as everyone else.

Moving this vote forward will be a step in the right direction to correct the current inequality in Rhode Island.