To: Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-AL

Senator Sessions: Don't Stand in the Way of Comprehensive Immigration Reform!

Senator Sessions: Stop trying to derail S 744. The Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act now that it is being considered by the full Senate, We have waited a long time to reform our draconian immigration system and your colleagues in the Senate continue to work arduously to make that happen.

You say you are worried about S 744's impact on jobs and the economy, yet you were a strong supporter of Alabama's HB 56, the most intrusive and hateful anti-immigrant law in the country, and a law that is costing your state billions of dollars in economic input and tens and thousands of jobs. You claim to hold the family as sacred, but you support policies that are tearing thousands of caring, loving immigrant families apart.

Immigrant families are a vital part of the South and the country and they help make their communities stronger economically, socially and spiritually. We need comprehensive immigration reform that includes a pathway to citizenship now. We ask that you allow the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act to advance on the Senate floor and we hope you will decide to stand on the right side of history and by voting yes.

Why is this important?

During the month of June, the Senate will consider and vote on S 744, the Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act." The bill is a bipartisan effort to provide long-awaited and desperately needed immigration reform.

When S 744 was marked up in the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) did everything he could to derail the bill. He introduced 49 mean-spirited amendments that were mostly rejected even by members of his own party. Senator Sessions will likely continue his attempts to obstruct passage of this important and historical legislation.

Sessions has a long history of opposing civil rights and making racially offensive remarks. He once called the NAACP 'un-American," made jokes about the Ku Klux Klan, and prosecuted three civil rights workers for voter fraud. He has been an ardent supporter of Alabama's HB 56, the nation's most intrusive and hateful anti-immigrant law.

We are sending Senator Sessions an unequivocal message: "Stop ripping apart immigrant families by standing in the way of immigration reform!" Will you join us by signing this petition?

Texto de la petición en español:

Senador Sessions: Deje de impedir la S 744, El Acta de Seguridad Fronteriza, Oportunidad Económica y Modernización Migratoria ahora que está siendo considerada por el Senado completo. Hemos esperado por mucho tiempo para reformar nuestro sistema dracónico de inmigración y sus colegas en el Senado continuan trabajando arduamente para asegurar que esto suceda.

Usted dice que está preocupado sobre el impacto que podría tener la S 744 en los empleos y en la economía, a pesar de que apoyó fuertemente la HB 56 de Alabama, la ley anti-inmigrante más intrusa y odiosa del país, y una ley que le está costando a su estado billones de dólares en producción económica y decenas de miles de trabajos. Alega que la familia es sagrada para usted, pero apoya políticas que están separando a miles de familias inmigrantes.

Las familias inmigrantes son vitales para el Sur y este país y ayudan a fortalecer a sus comunidades economicamente, socialmente, y espiritualmente. Necesitamos una reforma migratoria integral que incluye un camino a la ciudadanía ahora. Le pedimos que permita que El Acta de Seguridad Fronteriza, Oportunidad Económica y Modernización Migratoria avance en el Senado y esperamos que decida estar en el lado correcto de la historia votando ‘sí.’"