To: The United States Senate

Senators: Support Innovation Act H. R. 3309

US industries are currently under attack by patent troll companies, with law suits alleging infringement on patents they purchased. These suits threaten the jobs and livelihoods of thousands of workers in every state in the union, and potentially the collapse of some of the smaller industries. H. R. 3309 would prevent this and is currently under consideration in the Senate with only a 27% rated chance of passage. US business needs this bill to pass.

Why is this important?

Currently the Reflective Insulation Manufacturers in the US are subject to a series of suits by a Patent Troll company. My company and my supplier as well as all the major companies are named in these suits. The patent troll company has no interest in insulation, do not make or market any insulation. Their only goal is to hold the industry hostage to collect money.
