To: The United States Senate and President Donald J. Trump

SENATORS: Work Together To Guarantee Affordable Access to Health Care For All

WE THE PEOPLE are fed up with the partisan stagnation that has impeded our congress for more than eight years. We DEMAND that our Senators do their jobs and work together for us ~ the American People.

The important issue is quality, primary health care for all Americans.

Why is this important?

We all know the Republican Party insists on repeal of The ACA, aka "ObamaCare"... the name attached to the bill by them. The ACA is not failing. According to new analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation, insurers in the ACA marketplaces earned more than double what they earned in a similar period in the previous three years.

Stop this insane, fake repeal effort of the ACA and join forces to amend and improve the ACA. Hold Hearings, listen to Health Care Providers, Health Care Insurers, Health Care advocacy Groups, and Health Care Users - not just politicians. Re-name the amended bill whatever you can agree upon.

Some suggested options:

1) Provide a means for all insured in all states to access a group health care insurance plan such as the Federal Employee Health Care Plan and a Federal Health Care Exchange such as the one available to Senators and Representatives
2) Establish an ongoing commission to negotiate health care costs and pharmaceutical costs Include a requirement for the federal government to negotiate health care costs for Medicaid, Medicare, TriCare, VA, ACA(?) and all other Federally funded health care costs
3) Medicaid funding must be adequate to cover the costs of nursing home care and health care for the indigent elderly, children, and all those at or near the poverty level
4) All state plans, state waivers and health care insurance plans must include coverage of pre-existing conditions at no additional cost to the insured

Suggested additional changes to the amended bill:

1) Keep the Individual Mandate to purchase insurance it is essential to a viable Health Insurance Market Place
2) Help American corporations compete internationally - relieve all employers of health care costs
3) Require all Senators, Representatives and their staffs to enroll in one of their respective state health care exchange plans