To: Rep. John Moolenaar (MI-4), Rep. Fred Upton (MI-6), Rep. Warren Davidson (OH-8), Rep. Lance Gooden (TX-5), Sen. Robert Portman (OH-2), and Sen. Patrick Toomey (PA-2)

Send Boehner the Bill

Have you wasted time in a long line at airport security or wasted time with needless flight delays due to poor air traffic control? Have you waited for ridiculous traffic jams that are a daily occurrence? Waited in long lines at the boarders? Had trouble getting your products to market? Had funding pulled on projects so now more money and resources are being wasted? If the sequester is hurting you or your business, don’t you think those responsible in congress should get the bill?

Let’s send our bills for this money wasted to Boehner and the other responsible congressmen. They need to know that we know that they are not saving us money. They are wasting our money while they bicker and play stupid selfish power games.

Simply fill in the appropriate information:
Your Name:
Your normal hourly rate:
Cost of goods or services:
Total Cost:

Why is this important?

The sequester is going to get more and more expensive to us ordinary Americans. We will all pay in time wasted, jobs lost, and
goods and services wasted. Lets send the responsible congressmen a bill for the loss their playing politics is causing us.
