To: William C Killian, US Attorney, The Tennessee State House, The Tennessee State Senate, and Governor Bill Lee

Sentence reduction for Carol Chalk

Carol has been denied the safety valve for non violent, low level, and non career criminals.

Why is this important?

June 15, 2014

U.S. District Judge Harry S. Mattice

Regarding: Carol Chalk

I am making an official plea for mercy for my sister Carol Chalk. Carol Chalk arrested and charged with federal “drug” crimes. There is nothing in Carol’s history/background that poses a threat “serious or otherwise” to society. We are requesting she be offered alternative sentencing to imprisonment and/or incarceration as a first offense and no criminal background?

Does Carol comprehend her actions and the laws presented to her including, but not limited to “all” evidence and how that evidence was obtained in her case? Does she understand the facts involved or said facts in the decision-making, main choices, does she weigh up the consequences of any choices and understand how the consequences affect her; and can she communicate her understanding? Does stress, grief, depression, certain medical conditions, hearing impairment, vision, etc. affect a person’s decision-making capacity? Does Carol articulate reasoning, is her comprehension consistent over time, and does she understand and/or comprehend consequences? (I’ve known Carol “all” of our lives and I know that she “does not” understand and/or comprehend this whole process. Carol is not a high profile criminal, sex offender, armed robber, serial killer, weapons dealer, and/or NOTORIOUS drug dealer. The streets are NO safer with her absence; in fact, clean ups should start where true “change and safety” can make a difference in society. She signed a “plea” that she absolutely did not understand.
Carol is on medication for high blood pressure – Uncontrolled high blood pressure increases the risk of serious health problems, including heart attack and stroke.
Carol is on medication for diabetes – If you have diabetes, no matter what type, it means too much glucose in the blood,although the reasons may differ. Too much glucose can lead to serious health problems.
Carol has on-going female gynecological female issues

I have been asked to write a letter of plea or explanation as to why my sister should receive a less harsh sentencing, but what do I say? How do I plea effectively to a system that appears determined to imprison and/or incarcerate Carol? How and when does change occur if not by those in a position to make change? I beg you on behalf of Carol’s family and her grandson to please be as lenient as possible or as the law allows. Carol’s criminal history category is not higher than a two and she does not have more than one criminal history point.

Meredith and District Attorney don’t want Carol to receive the Safety Valve, but in Carol’s case no one was harmed during the offense, she has little or no history of criminal convictions, no violence or gun was used. Carol is not the leader, manager, or organizer of anything. The Safety Valve is to prevent people from getting more time than they deserve. Federal Prisons are overcrowded and almost half of all federal offenders are nonviolent drug offenders, not violent criminals. Judge we are asking that you sentence Carol as a nonviolent, low-level, first-time offender. We need to save space for violent and career criminals. Public safety is our main focus, concern, and goal, so shy sentence non-violent criminals the same as violent criminals. I know that God judges all. I have faith that he is working in this case as he works in every aspect of our lives.

Thank you,

Audrey R Harris
