To: President Donald Trump, The Georgia State House, The Georgia State Senate, and Governor Brian Kemp

Sex Education in High Schools: Now or Never?

Stop the procrastination on educating the adolescent mind pertaining to sex, abstinence, and contraception.

Why is this important?

I a High School Senior who sees the fast moving rate
of High School Pregnancies which often leads to High School Dropouts. I come to realize that schools that offer Sexual Education courses have lower pregnancy and dropout rates. I am on my way towards progression on starting Sexual Education courses in not just my school, but all High Schools. This is a chance to give those who don't know the first thing about sex a piece of mind and how to be protected, or those with parents who failed to teach them about it one as well. With a positive spread of kind words and motivation our voices can be heard, so where do you stand; now or never?