To: Governor Ron DeSantis

Shands Jacksonville Medical Center Granted Protection for Medical Mistakes

Convince Governor Rick Scott to remove the Granted Protection for Medical Mistakes Immunity on Shands Jacksonville Medical Center.

Why is this important?

Gov. Rick Scott's approval to sheild Shands Jacksonville from malpractice has opponents of the bill who have expressed concern that hospital staff may not perform as carefully as they should if immunity is extended.
Victims of medical negligence at hospitals with sovereign immunity will have little or no recourse for covering their damages.This is because medical negligence claims are extremely complex and expensive to litigate.
If a claimant must spend $50,000 on expert witnesses to bring the claim, by the time he or she has paid such expenses and lawyers, there is nothing left. As a result, there is no incentive for such victims to bring a claim. I know of no attorneys in Jacksonville who are currently willing to take cases against the doctors at Shands.
