To: Berkeley's locally owned businesses

Shop at Berkeley's Indie Businesses for the Holiday Season!

Pledge to shop locally-owned (Buy Local Berkeley) businesses this holiday season!

IN THE COMMENTS SECTION: Please indicate the % of your holiday shopping budget you are pledging to spend at Berkeley's local independent businesses. (10% 50% 100%? You tell us!)

Why is this important?

Berkeley's local independent businesses are good for the economy, our community and the environment. Approximately 58 cents out of every dollar stays in the community when you buy from local stores (vs. 31 cents at a chain stores), they create good jobs in our community, and keep Berkeley interesting and unique. Nearby residents can walk, bike or take public transit to Berkeley's stores, reducing our carbon footprint. Your purchases at indie stores make a HUGE impact.

Making a conscious effort to shop with Buy Local Berkeley businesses & artists this holiday season (and all year!) means more jobs, parks, libraries and public safety as well as the unique and creative neighborhoods we love. Also, it's FUN!