To: President Donald Trump, The Washington State House, The Washington State Senate, Governor Jay Inslee, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Should incomes over $250,000 be taxed at the same rate that lower incomes pay?

For years Republicans have claimed that lowering taxes and cutting government spending would solve the problem of insuring adequate government revenues. For more than the past decade the resulting policies have caused immeasurable hardship throughout the nation and within each state, resulting in increasingly deep cuts to vital social services programs. The insanity of the Republicans has become so extreme that they now threaten the fabric of the economic safeguards our low-middle class has come to rely upon in their senior years: Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. They want to cut these programs and threaten to collapse our economy if they don't get what they want. These programs were not paid for by the rich. They were paid for by low-middle class, working Americans. They should not be cut for any reason.

Let's tell the Republicans: Don't throw my parents and grandparents out with their bedpans! Save social security, Medicare, and Medicaid! Tax incomes of $250,000 or more at a rate at least equal to that of lower income earners, at the federal level, and within each state as well.

Why is this important?

For federal income taxes, anyone earning $250,000 or more should be taxed at a rate no lower than those earning lower incomes. There should be no "tax cuts for the rich", i.e., the Bush-era tax cuts. Likewise, state-level legislatures should immediately take measures to correct any tax loopholes that disproportionately tax lower income earners at a higher rate than those over $250,000.
