To: All corporations, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Show Me the Jobs, "Creators"!

Debunk the lies! Keep the "job creators" honest--make every corporation benefitting from tax cuts to list every job they have created AND every job they have shipped overseas. Have them verified by forensic accountants at the GAO and then publish them alongside the monthly job numbers. The only way to stop the lying is to publish the truth.

Why is this important?

It's time to stop perpetuating the lies about tax cuts for the rich enabling job creation. Make it a requirement that any company benefitting from a tax cut since 2000 must produce results of every job they created as a result of the cuts--to be verified by the GAO--as well as every job they have shipped overseas. Then we publish them JUST LIKE WE DO THE JOBS REPORTS. Let the market--and the people respond to that!