To: Rick Otto, Community Development Interim Director and Tita Smith, Mayor
Shut Down the Rio Santiago Dump
The gravel yard in East Orange is expanding its public nuisance of concrete crushing and stockpiling in the middle of residential housing. Enough is enough; forty years after all mining stopped, it is time to shut down the gravel yard operations. No more trucks, dozers and rock crushers. The noise, the dust, and the unsightly mountains have got to go.
Why is this important?
All development plans for Rio Santiago have failed, and there are no current plans to develop anything there. The owners of the property, Milan Capital, confirm the current plan is to expand concrete crushing and stockpiling activities indefinitely. My neighbors and I are directly affected by these operations because we can hear the crushing, rumbling and beeping of trucks and dozers all day. The dust covers our homes and yards, and the piles of gravel impair views across the valley and are unsightly. This dump in the middle of a beautiful rural residential area of East Orange is a visual eyesore. It is time to address the current use directly, by shutting down the dump in East Orange.