To: Patrick Cannon, Mayor of Charlotte, NC, President Donald Trump, The North Carolina State House, The North Carolina State Senate, Governor Roy Cooper, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Sign for Better Regulatation of Firearms. Help Me Help You

Don't you think that we've had enough school shootings to last a lifetime? You Want Safer Streets? Let Your Voice Be Heard!

Why is this important?

*Note: This is not to abolish the 2nd Amendment, this is to regulate the laws already in place and make new ones where needed.*

Do you really want another Virginia Tech, how about Columbine, or the what about Aurora? Can you honestly say after last week's LAX shootings, the Naval Yard shooting, and December's Sandy Hook school shooting, that you feel 100% comfortable going out, more less sending your children out? Reforms to our nation's gun regulations are well past due, but I need your help to reach our goal. It's your turn to help me be your voice! Sign the petition and pass it along to your friends, coworkers, peers, and family. Post it to your Facebook page, Twitter, and Instagram and help me to help you make a difference.

Thanks for your time,

Malcolm J. Pitts
-Working to Make Future Generations Safe-