To: The Florida State House

Sign the Eric Brody Claims Bill now!

Speaker Dean Cannon,
Eric Brody has waited long enough, sign his petition now and stop putting off for tomorrow what can be done today! You should be ashamed of yourself that this wasn't the first item on your agenda this legislative session.

Why is this important?

Eric Brody was rear ended by a speeding Broward County Deputy in 1988 and left brain damaged and wheelchair bound. He was awarded a settlement but Florida legislative approval is needed for any awards over $200 000 from any governmental agency even though they have arranged a settlement that will be fully covered by insurance. Eric and his family sat in the Florida House gallery until 2am on the final night of the last legislative session after being told they would address this bill, but 8 months later they are still waiting for it to be signed. House Speaker Cannon keeps putting off signing the bill that will help this family pay for his medical bills and it seems he is going to hold the bill hostage and use it for leverage with the Senate on other issues. Cannon has stated "claims bills were tertiary on his priority list and would have to wait until bigger issues like the budget and auto insurance reform were settled." Even though he was awarded a lot more money in court, his family has settled for the $10 million that will be paid by the insurers so this is not a bill that is going to cost the tax payer anything. I have seen photos of Eric and he is in a bad way and is going to need care for the rest of his life. He was injured by a Government employee, and now they need to step up to the plate and sign the bill NOW!
