To: Maryland Governor and state legislature

Sign the petition: Demand justice. Demand Maryland change this law.

We urge you to repeal key provisions of the Maryland Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights including the 10-day period of silence which prevent officers from being questioned and we urge you to discipline police accused of excessive or deadly force under a system independent of local police forces.

We seek transparency. We seek justice for Freddie Gray. We seek an end to police brutality.

Why is this important?

It's been over 10 days since Freddie Gray was brutally beaten into a coma with a severed spine by six Baltimore police officers and the police haven't released any information. People are demanding answers, yet the police are legally protected to stonewall the public because of an unfair Maryland law.

Under the Maryland Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights, when an officer is under investigation for a matter that could lead to disciplinary action, supervisors are prohibited from interviewing the accused for 10 days. Further, disciplinary action can only happen after a hearing board of the officer's colleagues.

That's right--police have 10 days to get their stories straight, watch public video evidence, and line up with news reports. Then, they sit in front of panel of colleagues who can decide if discipline is necessary.

The game is rigged. There is no transparency or accountability for police in Baltimore.

Sign the petition demanding the repeal of these ludicrous provisions that prevent the public from learning the truth about excessive and deadly force by police officers.

