To: NRA apologists

Sign the petition: I support the kids at Parkland, and deplore NRA apologists who attack them

I support the students at Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida for turning their grief into political action. How dare the NRA apologists attack them? They truly have no conscience.

Why is this important?

The Parkland, Florida school shooting was an unspeakable tragedy that killed 17 students & teachers.

The kids who survived this massacre are refusing to allow adult cynicism convince them that we will never pass gun safety reform.

They are starting to organize politically, so now Republican politicians and NRA apologists want to discredit them.

Yes, seriously. How low can they go in attacking survivors?

Former Congressman Jack Kingston called them stooges for "left-wing groups who have an agenda," and Donald Trump Jr. has chimed in too.

Sign the petition: I support the kids at Parkland, and deplore NRA apologists who attack them.