To: Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted

Sign the petition: Save early voting in Ohio

Early voting is essential to ensuring that all Americans have the opportunity to vote, despite hectic personal lives and work hours. Cutting early voting is wrong. We can’t accept any cuts to early voting hours.

Why is this important?

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted says he’s cutting early voting on Sundays and weekday evenings—the times most popular for African-American early voters.

In 2012, when Ohio Republicans first tried to cut back on early weekend voting, one local Republican official explained the GOP effort to end weekend voting as follows: "I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban—read African-American—voter turnout machine."

The cuts to weekend and weekday evening early voting coincide with two new bills signed into law by Republican Gov. John Kasich—One to shorten the early voting period by six full days and another that eliminates same-day voter registration entirely.

Ohio Republicans also recently passed a law reducing the number of voting machines in the state, which will increase wait time for voters at the polls.

This has got to stop.

Sign the petition to Jon Husted: No cuts to early voting hours or times. Absolutely no cuts to voter access at all.

