To: U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
Sign the petition: Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse must reject Michael Boggs
As a Rhode Island constituent, I am appalled that you would vote to give Michael Boggs—who is anti-choice, anti-gay and anti-civil rights—a lifetime court appointment.
Why is this important?
Michael Boggs—who as a Georgia legislator was anti-choice, anti-gay and anti-civil rights—is in danger of being given a lifetime judicial appointment to the federal bench, because President Obama cut a deal with Georgia’s two Republican senators.
A wide coalition of advocates (from NARAL to the NAACP) have organized against Michael Boggs’ confirmation, and many Democrats on Capitol Hill—including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Georgia Congressman John Lewis—have said they will oppose him.
But Senator Sheldon Whitehouse—a Rhode Island Democrat—now says that he will vote to confirm Boggs, simply because Georgia’s two Republican senators support him.
Even though as a Senate candidate in 2006, Whitehouse said that a nominee’s position on choice alone was enough to filibuster their appointment to the court.
We cannot afford to give more federal lifetime appointments to right-wing judges, and Sheldon Whitehouse should know better.
Sign the petition to Senator Whitehouse—urging that he say “no” to Michael Boggs.
A wide coalition of advocates (from NARAL to the NAACP) have organized against Michael Boggs’ confirmation, and many Democrats on Capitol Hill—including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Georgia Congressman John Lewis—have said they will oppose him.
But Senator Sheldon Whitehouse—a Rhode Island Democrat—now says that he will vote to confirm Boggs, simply because Georgia’s two Republican senators support him.
Even though as a Senate candidate in 2006, Whitehouse said that a nominee’s position on choice alone was enough to filibuster their appointment to the court.
We cannot afford to give more federal lifetime appointments to right-wing judges, and Sheldon Whitehouse should know better.
Sign the petition to Senator Whitehouse—urging that he say “no” to Michael Boggs.