To: Monsanto, Big Ag, and all food manufacturers opposed to labeling

Sign the petition: Stand with Vermont as they face Monsanto over food labeling

We stand with Vermont as they fight to require GMO food labeling. Consumers have a right to know where their food comes from and how it is made.

We support this new law and hope the court upholds the legality of GMO food labeling. Consumer rights should trump corporate rights.

Why is this important?

Vermont is the first state in the nation to pass a law requiring all Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in food to be labeled for consumers.

Now, Monsanto and other corporations in the the food industry are planning to launch a lawsuit against the state claiming this law violates their right to free speech, by forcing disclosure of GMOs.

Consumers want to know what’s in their food. Food producers don’t want to disclose that information. Vermont is taking on a very powerful enemy to defend the rights of consumers against corporations, and this could set a very important legal precedent.

Sign the petition: We deserve to know what's in our food. Stand with Vermont, as they face a lawsuit from Monsanto and Big Ag, for being the first state in the nation to require GMO labeling.