To: Arizona Governor Jan Brewer

Sign the petition: Tell Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer to veto the “okay-to-discriminate” bill

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

SB 1062 would sanction any discrimination in Arizona, if the offender claims they have a religious reason.

Business owners could turn away gay and lesbian customers, employers could deny equal pay to women, and individuals could renege on contract obligations.

Please say “no” to discrimination and veto SB 1062.

Why is this important?

The Arizona legislature has passed a bill that would allow businesses to discriminate against LGBT customers—or any other customers who they claim it would be against their religion to serve.

Gov. Jan Brewer has until Tuesday to sign or veto the bill. She has not taken a position yet, despite having vetoed an earlier version last year.

Right-wing bigots are pushing such “okay-to-discriminate” bills in state legislatures across the country, and we must make sure they lose in Arizona.

Sign our petition urging Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer to say “no” to discrimination and veto SB 1062.

