To: Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Mayor
Sign the Plastic Bag Ban into LAW
We, the residents of Baltimore City, want plastic bags banned. We have instructed our City Council representatives to do so and they have acted accordingly. Please respect the will of the people that elected you to lead our city and sign Ordinance 14-0372 into law without delay.
Why is this important?
Plastic bags don’t breakdown, carry toxins, are made of petroleum, endanger aquatic life, and ruin Baltimore City and it’s waterways both environmentally and aesthetically. We need to switch to a sustainable and reusable bag system. We certainly need to do more to address the litter epidemic in Baltimore City but, banning certain types of one time use plastic bags is a step in the right direction. Please let the Mayor know that we want this plastic bag ban and that vetoing Ordinance 14-0372 is not acceptable.