To: City of Silver Grove KY

Silver Grove KY , Install a red light at the school.

Install a red light at the corner on four mile road in front of the school. Help these kids get to school safely.

Why is this important?

My son Corey attends Silver Grove High school in silver Grove ky. My main concern and has been a major concern for others is the fact that there is no cross walk or a red light on a busy street in front of the school. A majority of the students in the school, which includes K-12, has to cross that street in order to get to the school. The corner is on Four Mile Road which is the main road connecting other cities, the speed limit is 25. In the mornings you have a horrible time crossing the street, these poor kids are risking life and limb just to get to school. No crossing guards are available at the school at all. No teachers are outside, the principal doesnt even come out. Its horrible in my opinion. In the winter when its still dark at 7 am the school block is poorly lit and still no one is outside to attend to the children.So Silver Grove I am asking you to help these kids go to school safely by installing a red light at the corner on four mile road in front of the school.
