To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

'Single' Income Tax Bracket bad for Widows...

Please create a special or new Income Tax Status, ASAP before the next tax season, for Widows, Widowers and Divorcees! We are not 'Single'!

Why is this important?

Since I've recently become a Widow after 38 years of filing as 'married filing jointly', I find it quite obscene and unfair to be considered 'single'! Perhaps, for dating purposes, widows, widowers and divorcees can be considered single again, but NOT when it comes to our Income Tax status! Unlike back when I was 21 and single, now I have 'STUFFf' to deal with ,by myself, that most real single people do not have; such as property, houses, cars, timeshares, memberships, debts, loans, family members, children, grandchildren, social security and retirement issues, medical bills, life insurance, auto insurance issues, etc.! Not to mention, maybe no longer having a mortgage interest deduction, no exemptions and dependents, and now, not even your spouse! There needs to be a special status and/or special worksheet created for us ASAP!, before the next tax season. I can help come up with one! If you agree with this, please sign this petition. This is URGENT ! Thank You!