To: The New York State House and The New York State Senate

Single-payer NY

We the undersigned urge you to publicly endorse and sign into law Richard Gottfried's single payer healthcare bill – A07860/S5425. This bill will create a publicly funded, privately provided healthcare system that guarantees universal health coverage to every resident of New York State regardless of their employment status. The proposed system requires no co-payments, no deductibles and does not mandate that individuals purchase private health insurance. Funded primarily through a flat payroll/income tax, this bill will greatly reduce overall healthcare costs in New York State by reducing administrative waste, curtailing the fee-for-service payment system and encouraging timely, preventative care.

Why is this important?

The waste and inefficiency of for-profit and non-profit insurance based care can be remodeled into a single-payer system based on the VT model. Healthcare will be unlinked from its current employer based system, and Medicaid will be rolled into one healthcare model, lowering property taxes and healthcare costs.
