To: Fort Collins City Council Members

NO Sit-Lie Ban

Please do not pass a sit-lie ban, or any variation on this, which disproportionally affects the homeless population.

Why is this important?

On March 7th, the City of Fort Collins will be voting on proposed restrictions to sitting and lying down (beyond durations which are still undetermined) on sidewalks, benches, and planters within the smoking restricted perimeter of Old Town. In addition, it will restrict leaving personal items unattended within these locations (also beyond durations which are still undetermined). Although the creators claim it is a restriction on "behavior", and not targeted to any subgroup of people, it will clearly restrict behavior most associated with homeless people.

This is not a black and white issue which should be solved with a ban or restriction, but a nuanced challenge with many sides and possible solutions. Many of these people are ill, dealing with addiction, or have fallen on hard times. Most are already struggling and living on the edge. Simply imposing restrictions is an inhumane approach to a challenge we all share.

At the City's final public meeting on this (at the Aztlan Center), the terms and wording still hadn't been worked through. It was a work in progress, which the public wouldn't be able to have any further input on.

We can do better. We have to do better. In the current political environment with its restrictions on immigrants and other populations, now is not the time for our open and reasonable city to impose further restrictions. Let's instead work creatively to find solutions which humanely addresses the challenges of the populations most affected, and in doing so, creates better outcomes for us all.

Signatures of this petition will be delivered on or before the voting deadline above. Please share widely as there isn't much time.

Honorable Mayor and City Council, please do not pass the Sit-Lie Ban or any variation of these. Now is not the time. This is not the way.